Personality Profiling & Rediscovering Your Strengths 

Perhaps this year has made you realise that your current circumstances are no longer satisfying you; maybe being at home has made you pause and consider the possibility of something different, and you realise you want and need something more but you’re not exactly sure what your next steps should be. 

Understanding who we are and how and where we operate best can help us to determine what those next steps can and should be.

By identifying and analysing your personality traits; underpinning this with a structured career development framework which is delivered in a supportive coaching approach, together we can create a step by step action plan to move you closer to where you not only operate at your best, but where you will be happier.

As a qualified i3 Profiler and Associate, you can have confidence that the profile you receive is completely unique in that it’s written specifically for you and unlike other profiling tools; does not seek to put you into a box. Instead it utilises your responses to a set of questions to help you understand how and why you instinctively behave in the manner in which you do, helping you to rationalise your past and present behaviour.

Couple this with an ICF accredited coaching style facilitated using a number of recognised models such as the Sir John Whitmore ‘GROW’ model and the ‘CLEAR’ model created by Peter Hawkins, we will ensure that you identify, explore and achieve the level of performance that you are seeking.


Cost: £150.00 for a bespoke profile assessment, report and coaching session.

You can book this package right now by contacting me at Jo@Jo-Corbishley.com.  Once I have your order and payment, I'll be in touch with 24 hours to book you in and get started.

Or call me on 07799830462 to chat about it.